The Art of Frugal Hedonism – Revised Edition

US$ 25

US$ 25.00

A guide to spending less while enjoying everything more

ISBN: 9780645606539
Authors: Raser-Rowland, Annie & Grubb, Adam
Publisher: Melliodora Publishing
Format: Paperback | B&W | 224 pp
Size (mm) : 148mm x 210mm (A5) / Weight (kg): 0.31
MSRP: $25.00
Publication date: May 2024

  • Over 35,000 copies sold of the first edition
  • Practical ideas for saving money while still having fun
  • Witty writing makes for an enjoyable, humorous read
  • Authors of The Weed Forager’s Handbookover 40,000 copies sold.
  • Printed in the US

Distributed wholesale in Australia by Melliodora Wholesale, and in the US by Chelsea Green Publishing.

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Welcome to Frugality Version 2.0. Never has such a compelling case been made for putting your wallet away and looking around at every other form of pleasure with freshly attentive eyes.

Annie and Adam are lifelong cheapskates who operate on the principle that enjoying life is a lot more likely to happen if you learn how to do it on little or no money. Decades of this approach saw them realise they also had more free time, savings, and flexibility than many of their more fiscally-oriented peers. Not to mention smaller ecological footprints, and blissful immunity to a raft of common modern ills, from social isolation to obesity.

The Art of Frugal Hedonism reveals their core strategies for lowering your consumption while raising your quality of life. Whether you are already challenging cultural consumption assumptions (but would love a little backup), or are looking for a real kickstart to help you revise your current relationship with spending, there is something in here for you.

Online preview of The Art of Frugal Hedonism


“The freest and most contented people pretty much follow the advice in The Art of Frugal Hedonism.” ~ Clive Hamilton, author of Growth Fetish and co-author of Affluenza.

The Art of Frugal Hedonism is an absolute joy. It is good-natured not pious, humane not self-righteous and a guide to ethical living that makes the impossible possible. I am happy to make this my bible.” ~ Christos Tsiolkas, author of The Slap

“An invaluable harvest of tips oozing with hedonistic wit and wonder. Packed with ideas about why and how we are to live with less to ensure we have a hell of a lot more.” ~ Meg Ulman, co-author of The Art of Free Travel

“In an age that is obsessed with consumer trinkets and oblivious to waste, the philosophy of frugal hedonism provides a welcome and necessary antidote. The simplicity of this message is profound. Be frugal and be free.” ~ Samuel Alexander, co-director of the Simplicity Institute